

Get It Done Day

I'm nine days out from going to California. Yay! Of course, this has also been a little nervewracking, for reasons.

Long story short, I was going to stay with a friend but that fell through, which kind of left me scrambling to find somewhere else. Well, I found a decently-priced, well-rated hotel in Bell where the staff responds to all the reviews so you know they're paying attention, and I got it through Booking.com, which means I get free cancellations/changes until the day before I get there. So in the off chance that I find somewhere else cheaper (or free) I'm not obligated to stick with it. But to be honest, I do like the freedom it affords me, especially since I know I'm going to be all over the place seeing people and trying to fit in everything possible that I can in four days. (How much In N Out is too much In N Out?)

And today's what I'm calling Get It Done Day. Sunday is my only full free day to do laundry and run errands and do things before a 10-day trip, so I sat down this morning and made myself a list of all the things I need to do, and I'm doing what I can. Mostly the logistical stuff.

I got my car rented. This was a Process because I was doing price comparisons anytime I got free time today, and while the cheapest was Fox Rent-A-Car out of LAX, the reviews were pretty scary and talked about long wait times, and especially when I have to leave LA at a certain time after dropping off the car, I'd rather spend a little extra if it means I'm not wasting time and risking it costing more if I have to get a new car or I miss out on my train. I found that booking a car with Avis through Priceline Mobile was the most cost effective way to go, and turned out not to be that much more expensive than what I would have paid with Fox.

After dropping off my car I'll catch a cab or Uber (I'm not sure how the LAX area does this now, so that's a thing to research) to Union Station to catch a train to San Diego. I know from experience that the station there is in walking distance to the hotels, because I've taken the train down quite a few times and been part of a large group of people wheeling their luggage to the downtown hotels. Unfortunately it means I'm getting in too late to bug certain San Diego friends, but the great thing about how I do SDCC is that I find ways to bug my friends anyway.

I'm packing, I've gone through and figured out what travel sizes I need, I'm prepared on things like backpacks and water bottles and camera batteries... So I'm getting there. It's going to cost a lot more than I wanted it to, but I can manage it, and it's a good thing my job requires overtime.

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