This is about to become an SDCC blog for a bit, sorry.
We're a month out from San Diego Comic Con, and right about now is where it's very easy to get obsessive about it. Checking Twitter (when you follow the right accounts, shout outs to @SD_Comic_Con, @sdccgotgirl, @Crazy4ComicCon, @ParksAndCons, @HallHLine and @Ballroom20Line) means seeing more and more tweets about what's coming, who's coming, what people want to do, what we know of the schedule... It gets hard to escape if you're online. And that makes it exciting.
Badges have shipped. Usually at the sale you can buy tickets for yourself and a couple other people, and then you'd pick the badges up onsite on Wednesday before the con. This year they shipped all the badges to the person who bought them, which might work out okay? I had a friend from one group buy for a friend from another group so there was some coordination in getting it sent to where it needs to be, and it'll take more coordination to make sure people can meet up on Wednesday to get their correct badges, but it can be managed. We'll see how well it works out.
The schedule is starting to come together. The full schedule comes out two weeks before, but things get announced early, and information trickles in. I already have some idea of what I will be doing on what day. There are some things they don't change from year to year. Certain panels always get the same time and same room, so I know that even though I gave up on The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones I'll probably sit through the panels while waiting for one I really want to see. Star Wars Day is always Friday. Sunday is family day, so younger-aimed fare goes then. My one big thing so far is that I don't really want to spend all my time waiting for one panel. Getting into something like Marvel or Star Wars requires a lot of waiting. You have to be in line to wait, you have to be there for a certain amount of time to get your wristbands, you have to sit in a room all day waiting for one specific panel that probably comes on at 5 pm, leaving others who really want to see the stuff before that in the cold. I'd much rather get out on the floor or walk around taking pictures of cosplayers or check out some of the offsite stuff, and there are ways to do that if you have a group in line that will allow you shifts so that people can leave and do their own things for a while before returning to let you do the same. But waiting in Hall H all day, with little food and sitting in uncomfortable chairs for eight hours straight can be brutal. Moreso if you try to do it two days in a row, which I might do. And if by chance I can't get into the room, then there's already plenty of stuff I'm interested in seeing instead.
Otherwise my California schedule is coming together a little, and even though nothing is going on the weekend I am there I'm still trying to find stuff. I'm also trying to figure out when to go to San Diego, since I kind of want to go on Tuesday but Amtrak is not being helpful. I'm close enough to it to start packing (though first I need to empty out my suitcase from when I moved), and I'm training to spend a lot of time walking, and and and and and.
Starting to get excited. It's pretty neat.
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