

Planning post: The status of things

It's been busy, vacationwise here. One week from now I'm off to Atlanta, and then I move into a new apartment the weekend after that, so there's been a lot of scrambling. Normally I love planning trips. I live for it. But a week before a move, I'm glad there's not much to figure out. I'm staying with a friend, I know how I'm getting to and from the airport, and I've sort of scanned Trip Advisor to figure out things that might be cool to see or do if there's time. It's kind of nice to not have everything planned out, too. Every once in a while it's nice to have a trip where you have no idea what you're doing next.

And in a complete and total turnaround for that, last week, we booked our Disney hotel. After one friend canceled, my very own Disney Goddess is actually going to be joining the rest of us on the trip in October. So we got our dates locked down and put the deposit on the hotel, and now it's a matter of getting tickets and saving and obsessing over podcasts. I've started getting Disney gift cards so I have that money specifically blocked off for this trip, and when I get bored I tend to end up on the My Disney Experience app to see what all I'm able to link and checking over maps and generally just being a giant dork. I definitely drank the Disney Kool-Aid.

Next up, though, is San Diego Comic Con open registration. There are still preview night tickets to get, so on Saturday morning I'll be at the computer, feeling like I'm in the Hunger Games as I wait for my turn to get stuff. It's only slightly stressful, I swear.

So I now have 8 days till Atlanta, 50 days until Mt. Rushmore, 97 days until Pennsylvania, 148 days until Los Angeles, and 238 days until Disney World. I'm a pretty happy girl here.

Also as an FYI/shameless attempt to get you to follow me, I'm over on social media! You can follow me on Twitter at @gothereandback, or on Instagram at @thereandbackblog. I'm sure you'll get some of my SDCC open registration tweets, and I post pictures of my trips and stuff. Come say hi, and I'll say hi back.

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