I am in awe of people who travel all the time. I'm not sure I could do it constantly, much as I'd want to (if I had the opportunity). Maybe it's because my trips tend to be pretty action-packed with not a lot of downtime, but my first reaction when a friend announced she was spending a year traveling the world was "That would be EXHAUSTING."
I've learned that personally, I need breaks. A few years back I worked a full week, took a late flight to Portland for a wedding, flew back on Sunday, worked half a week, took a redeye to Chicago for another wedding. I handled it fine, because it gave me a little normalcy where I could sleep in my own bed and do laundry and make something for myself instead of eating out. And maybe it was truer in LA. One of the reasons I left was because I wasn't taking advantage of being there and wasn't doing enough, and here I'm constantly busy. Since getting back from California I've had friends out here and gone to Chicago and have a podcast taping to go to and a party and a baby shower in Wisconsin in my vey near future. I haven't been able to have a down period to recover. It's absolutely normal to get the blahs after vacation, but at some point they should be able to go away. Plus I admittedly tripped up in financial post-vacation recovery, so I get stressed out when I think of Disney in 57 days even when I should be just fine. I won't get a chance to recover mentally, emotionally and financially from my July vacation until mid-September.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Untitled as all get out, but my life's doing pretty good at the moment. I would just also appreciate a nap, and a million dollars.
What I'm saying is, full-time travelers, I salute you.
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