

Currently: Cincinnati, OH

In my early 20s, before I moved to LA, I spent a lot of my summers driving a few hours to see a ton of my closest friends from other states at the same time for a week. Every year was like the best family reunion, and two of those reunions took place in Cincinnati, at the same hotel.

When we decided that we couldn't make it to Columbus last night, we decided on Cincy, and booked that hotel.

It's been fourteen years since I've been here, but the nostalgia is strong. I still remember where everything is. The lobby looks different but I can still point on where I walked past and saw Rachel sleeping on the floor covered in newspapers, or where we sat when regaling everyone with the story of why we took six individual drives through the Wendy's drive-thru for six individual people. Thd bar, the most important part, is still there. I also wanted to ask if a certain awesome waitress was still there, but I'm sure she's not. Still, I remember her name. It's different being here with family instead of with four other girls, taking up the entire bathroom counter with product and throwing dirty clothes on the floor under the sink and staying up way too late or waking up too early to my friends already laughing, and that's the stuff that keeps coming to mind.

Also they put a Starbucks in the lobby, and my god do I want a real reunion here. I'll be there instead of the bar now.

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